Steady Buckets' core focus is on the long-term and holistic development of our individual players both on and off the court. We work to influence our players through active participation in a safe but physically and mentally demanding program. Success is measured not in wins or losses, but rather in each player’s ability to continue to elevate themselves to the next level, as players, as leaders, and as members of their communities. We expect five outcomes from every SB player, which we call the five pillars of Steady Buckets Success: (1) continued improvement of their fundamental basketball skills (2) an increased ability to leave their comfort zones and invest in failure (3) a heightened sense of self-esteem through the feelings of hard work and accomplishment (4) making new friends within our diverse community and (5) Having Fun! The 6th pillar is leadership and is only for players who accomplish the first five pillars consistently at which point they can become LEADERS. SB Youth Leaders simply add three powerful words in front of the first five pillars; help somebody else…
By focusing on these outcomes, we are able to accommodate a range of players no matter their level of play. Our student players include everyone from the casual player to the highly motivated and talented learner who dreams of an NCAA scholarship and beyond.
The SB approach is in stark contrast to other basketball programs, which generally fall into two categories: (1) those that focus on winning at the expense of individual development and only include the most talented players or (2) those that focus on the individual development but do so in a less rigorous and demanding way that ultimately compromises individual development and a player's understanding of how hardwork translates to future success. Our goal is to offer a high quality program that is free and open to all NYC youth and addresses their best interests as players and leaders in their communities.
““This is the type of program that supports children on a life path that could include future CEOs, professional basketball players and MAYBE even the President of the United States.” ”